So my 4 year old twin girls and my 5 year old son all slept with me for years, but now I need them to sleep on their own. It was fun for a while but I’m done! I’m tired of waking up to aching body parts because of feet in my back and elbows in my head. Not to mention being barely on the bed because they have basically kicked me out of it.
So I decided I was done sleeping with these little ninjas and decided to transition them to their own bed. I moved my son first. He shares a room with his older brother so that was an easy transition as long as I sat there with him for a few minutes until he got settled. Done.
Then it was time for me to tackle moving my daughters. I knew this would be a little more complicated. I talked to them about sleeping in their big girl rooms and how fun it would be and all that. I thought we were good. Nope. They weren’t having it! I tried putting them in their beds one night and got so sleepy I caved.
Eventually I decided to makeover their entire room and make it fun and inviting for them and it worked. They were so exciting about all the new linen, pillows, toys and colors that they wanted to stay. We had a few occasional visits at not but nothing major.
Fast forward to last week…I woke up everyday with one little twinsie in my bed every morning. I was confused on day one and by day 3 I was wondering what was going on? Last night both my little ladies were up well past their bedtime. They literally refused to go to their own bed. Sigh. We played the take you back to your room game for at least an hour until I gave up.
They were doing amazing and sleeping in their own beds for months. I would love to have them sleep with me but the problem is, I don’t get any sleep when they do so. Looks like I will be going back to the beginning of getting these little ones back in their bed, or coming up with some creative ways to make their room exciting again.
Have your kids ever regressed with sleeping alone? Or does this come in mommy’s bed thing last forever? How do you get your toddler to sleep on their own?
Because I’m lost at this point.
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