Last week I was browsing Facebook and I ran across an old classmate whom I hadn’t seen in a very long time. She looked amazing. She was still the same as the last time I saw her. I saw pictures of exotic getaways, a beautiful home, and gorgeous girlfriends. She looked happy. I thought to myself, now this is how you fall in love with your life.
I surprisingly begin to feel some type of way. I thought to myself, Wow, she has a beautiful life with beautiful friends and colleagues. I was thinking she has this awesome jetsetter lifestyle and I’m here sacrificing daily to be the best mother I can be. I’ve yet to accomplish the things I want to accomplish professionally, I’m just now starting my business, and my social life is basically non existent.
I suddenly found myself thinking, maybe I should have done this and maybe I shouldn’t have done that. I mean I was really having a moment. A moment of comparison and envy. I’m totally not about that so I politely got off her page and moved on.
After scrolling for a few seconds I ran across another post from another classmate that hit me like a ton of bricks. Her post got me in check. It brought me back from the very ridiculous moment I was having prior, but then the that’s when the real creep kicked in. I couldn’t help it. I had to. I went back to the previous classmates page and begin to scroll. I kept scrolling and realized it wasn’t perfect. It was only at the second glance did I see it though. There were things that were important to me missing. But it was okay. It’s her journey not mine. I finally had a mini breakthrough. A breakthrough that I have already had in the past but obviously God felt I needed a little reminder.
Often times we look at people’s lives from an outside perspective making interpretations that we aren’t sure of. [Tweet “Social media turns lifestyle into a perception that’s not always real. Don’t get caught up in that. “] It’s important to not to compare your journey with anyone else’s. Understand that your life is yours alone and that you always have the opportunity to make it better.
If you don’t like something in your life, make it better.
You may be a single mom right now but you could meet the man of your dreams tomorrow and that would change. You may not be where you want to be professionally right now but guess what, you can set goals to get there. Want to start a business? Go for it! Home ownership, going back to school, and getting that body that you want is all attainable. [Tweet “If you can dream it, you can do it.”]
Just remember you have a lot to celebrate right now!! You have beautiful, healthy children. There is a woman somewhere wishing she could carry her child, that she didn’t have to lose hers, or that she could even conceive one. You have a beautiful home and shelter for your kids. The homeless shelters are overflowing with people who can only dream of a space to call their own right now. Your vehicle is running and getting you from point a to point b. Public transportation can save you money, but it certainly is not convenient.
So while your hoping, wishing and dreaming to elevate your life, don’t forget to be grateful for the one you already have.
Fall in love with YOUR life.
Count your blessings. Take inventory of the things that you now have, that you used to hope for. Theres nothing like a little reflection to get you inspired.
We all have our own journey, and yours is perfect just the way it is. Don’t doubt that!
Love this post! It is so true. I’ve found myself caught up in that “social media veil” of how people want you to see their life, not what it may really be. Remembering to stay grateful for what l have and realizing that it’s my journey has helped me stay in check.
It’s true. We have to realize we are just as blessed as the next person and be appreciative for that!