My daughters woke up so excited today because Valentine’s Day is coming and they are ready to get to give out their Valentines cards. I asked my oldest why she was so excited and she told me she wanted to tell the teacher she was the best teacher and tell her friends she loved them. Too sweet right?
But I took those moments of excitement and turned them into a teaching moment too. I began to tell my daughters how amazing, kind and smart they were. I wanted them to know that they were appreciated too. Then I turned that into an affirmation session, and had them repeat: I am beautiful, I am smart, I am loved, I can do hard things.
Today and everyday I want them to be excited about who they are as black little girls and be confident in that. I need for them to understand their importance and impact on this world so that they never feel the need to dim their shine to accommodate other people’s insecurities. I want them to always stand for themselves even if no one else is willing to stand with them.
In a world that can be negative and hateful I will make sure their self worth is built in a solid foundation. So on a day where everyone is showing love to their loved ones…I will make sure my little black daughters know how to love themselves and love each other. I am teaching them to support each other and lift one another up and embrace other little black girls the same. I will always help them to see their beauty and their talent and that they can be fully unapologetic about who they are! Self worth is taught early, and I’m starting now.
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