Since my son was a young he has always been interested in being in the kitchen. He would always play with the spoons and the pots and I thought it was just normal toddler play. But when he got a little older he began asking me to help in the kitchen. I would let hime stir things and pour stuff until he figured out that he wanted to do more.
When he was about 5 I finally started teaching him how to crack an egg. He practiced and practiced until he no longer got shells in our cupcake mix LOL. Once he mastered cracking those eggs he was ready for his chef hat. He was so sure if he could crack an egg he could cook anything. He would say mommy I can cook eggs I can do it. So I let him.
Eventually I began to let him experiment with other recipes. Now he cooks all the time and he loves it.
People are always so surprised when I say I’m teaching my preteen to cook. I don’t know if they think its dangerous or what but I teach him kitchen safety. I think it is important that I allow him to pursue everything he is passionate about. This will allow him to be more creative and be more well rounded. I know for me cooking can be very calming, and it seems that it has become the same for him. I love that.
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