I never really considered future setbacks when I started my blogging journey. I didn’t really know what I was doing, I just knew I had something special to share with women that needed to hear my story. Everything was okay until…. my priorities changed and I had to be a mother. My daughter needed me and all of my attention shifted to advocating for her. For me, it is so much more important to be successful as a mother than it is to be successful as an entrepreneur or anything else. With so much happening in real life, I eventually began to neglect my virtual baby.
Now things have settled and I’m back like I never left. I thought it was appropriate to give my thoughts on how to get yourself back together after a setback. I know it can be hard to pull yourself out of complacency and find the motivation to get started again. You probably think people are judging you for attempting then “failing” and the shame is preventing you from moving forward. However, you need to silent your private thoughts and do it anyway. [Tweet “Don’t let a temporary setback become a setup for permanent failure. “]
Here are 4 tips on how to bounce back from a setback.
- Get over it! Okay, you fell off. So what. What matters is that you get back on and do what you gotta do. Get out of your own head and push past the excuses. Someone is waiting on you.
- Remember your why. Ask yourself why you wanted to do it in the first place? Did you want to lose some weight? Did you want to make more money? Use that reason as renewed motivation to get back on your job.
- Set some goals. Go step-by-step plan through what it will take for you to reach your goal. Write it out with pen and paper! Put it somewhere you can see it daily. When you can see your goals in front of you everyday you will be more motivated to work towards them.
- Go and get started. You don’t need anybody’s validation nor permission. Just do it. Even if you start slow. Just start.
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