After getting over the overwhelm of finding out I was having twins, the next thing that came to mind was the cost associated with having two babies at one time. I was already on a tight budget and couldn’t wrap my head around how I would make this happen. My son was only 6 months at the time so I knew I could use some of what I already had. I’m a planner so I wanted to make a preparing for twins checklist.
I began to make a plan to get everything I needed. Once I had the list it was easier to decide what was necessary and what I could live without. Then I came up with a buying plan that suited my budget and due date.
In addition to all the baby things I needed to buy there were also other expenses I had to keep in mind like needing more living space, childcare expenses, and a bigger vehicle. My 2 door coupe wasn’t going to work for a family of 5. But, there were other things I could reuse, repurpose and find amazing deals for.
So if you’re preparing for twins on a budget, don’t worry. You can totally make it work with some careful planning and savvy shopping skills. This the part that I love the most.

Preparing for Twins Checklist
This isn’t an all-compassing list but it gives you an idea of some of the items you’ll need to prepare. Choose the things you want or need for your little ones just know that you don’t have to have it all to take care of your babies well.
The Basics
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Ointment
- Swaddle Blankets
- Burp Cloths
- Diaper bag
- Formula
- Baby Bottles
- Bottle Brush
- Food Processor
- Baby Bowls
- Baby Spoons
- Baby Food Storage
- High Chair or Boppy Seat
Breast Feeding
- Double Electric Breast Pump
- Breast Milk Storage Bags
- Twin Nursing Pillow
- Nursing Pads
- Nipple Cream
Sleep Essentials
- Crib
- Crib Mattress
- Bedding
- Nightgowns
- Humidifier
Bath Time
- Baby Bath Tub
- Washcloths
- Hooded Towels
- Baby Wash
- Play Yard
- Swing
- Bouncer
- Play Mat
- Toys – board books
- Baby Monitors
- Safety Gate
- Wall Anchors
- Thermometer
- First Aid Kit
- Cabinet locks
Out and About
- Car Seat (2)
- Stroller
- Carrier
- Toys
- Onsies
- Sleepers
- Socks
- Caps
- Bibs

Other Costs to Consider
These costs are important when they get older but are still something to consider and think about now.
- Medical Bills
- Dental Costs
- Eyecare
When it comes to making certain that you budget properly for providing care for your twins, just keep in mind that everything is going to be twice as much!
Do you have any other tips on how you can budget and prepare financially for having twins?
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