Before you start a blog there are certain things that you need to consider. With blogging becoming more and more popular there are a lot of people jumping into the industry each day. It is important that you have a solid plan to help you stand out in this crowded space. In my latest video, I discuss 5 things you need to do before you even start your blog to set yourself up for success.
The video above breaks down what I think is important to do before starting a blog but I’ve written them out below for you as well.
Keep in mind that I used this same strategy when I finally got started. I honestly attribute the success I’ve had with my blog to make sure I did these things and had a solid plan of action in place. This will be key in ensuring you stand out in a crowded blogosphere and will be able to get the exposure opportunities you deserve.
5 Things to do Before you Start a Blog
In my opinion, these are the 5 most important things to do before you start a blog. There might be a lot of little pieces to fill into the puzzle in between these actions but overall, these are the big hitters that I think are most important to focus on.
Start with why
Before anything, you need to start with why. It’s important to understand why you’re wanting to start a blog. If you’re wanting it to be a business, have this mind frame before getting started.
A blog can be super successful if you’re in that state of mind.
Establish a niche
Did you know that millions of blogs are started every single month? Crazy, right? Don’t fall into the steps of so many others that just want to blog about anything and everything…Choose a niche and have it be something that you’re good at.
If you love to bake, start a baking blog. If you love to sew, start a sewing blog. Zoning in on something that you’re good at is key to finding success with your blog.
Hire out what you’re not good at
Guess what? Most bloggers aren’t good at everything. From having great pictures, to styling, to writing, and creating, there are things that all bloggers need help with.
For this reason, hire out what you’re not the best at. Think of it as a business move that could propel you to the next level of your business.
Use what you have
Starting a blog can be a bit stressful at times, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not worth it. Blogging is amazing choice and can result in amazing things.
When you’re just starting out on your blog, use what you have to your advantage. You’ll be amazed at how you can scale your blog by using what you have.
Do what it takes to get it done
No matter what, bloggers get it done. You can easily see that bloggers are influencers and do what it takes to get it done.
The life of a blogger is never dull but it’s a chance to start your own path and create your own future.
Are you ready to start your own blog? If so, these simple tips can help you accomplish just that.
Starting my blog has been one of the best decisions, ever. Why not make this your reality, too?
ALSO READ: What I’ve Learned and Love about Blogging

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